Hi Shirley;
I search Business Source Complete (under Find an Article or video on the library website) using the search terms:
accounting AND money laundering
I then limited it to 2017-forward. There were 161 results, some of them looking very promising for your topic, although if you re looking for a specific technique that might need to be included in the search terms.
I got some good results, including:
LAPTEŞ, R. (2020). Combating Money Laundering - a Mandatory Topic for the Professional Accountant. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov, Series VI: Medical Sciences, 13(2), 141–146.
GROSU, M., MIHALCIUC, C. C., & COJOCARIU, A. A. (2022). Empirical Study on the Role of Financial Audit in Assessing the Risks of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financings. USV Annals of Economics & Public Administration, 22(2), 108–117.
Tiwari, M. (2018). Shell companies - Identification of an instrument used for illicit purposes: A Pitch. Journal of Accounting & Management Information Systems / Contabilitate Si Informatica de Gestiune, 17(4), 685–692.
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