I am looking for information on the Pauline Epistles.
Paul, Paul of Tarsus, wrote several books of the Bible. There is quite a bit written about Paul, and the books of the Bible that he is beleive to have written. One book you may wish to review for some background information is Muddiman, John, et al. The Pauline Epistles. Updated selection, Oxford University Press, 2010 You may also want to think about whether there is a specific book/letter you wish to hone in on, such as Romans, or ! & 2 Corinthians, or 1 & 2 Thessalonians... to name a few. Please feel free to reach back out to us. We are open today online until 9PM. We will be closed for Memorial Day tomorrow. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday we are open 8AM-9PM. Friday 8AM-7PM. Saturday 12PM-5PM.
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